Min. drill size is 0.20mm. Max. drill size is 6.30mm.
Drill Hole Size Tolerance
e.g. for the 0.6mm hole size, the finished hole size between 0.52mm to 0.73mm is acceptable.
Blind/Buried Vias
Don’t support
Currently we don’t support Blind/Buried Vias, only make through holes.
Min. Via hole size
For Single&Double Layer PCB, the minimum via hole size is 0.3mm;For Multi Layer PCB, the minimum via hole size is 0.2mm
Min. Via diameter
For Single&Double Layer PCB, the minimum Via diameter is 0.5mm; For Multi Layer PCB, the minimum via diameter is 0.45mm(Limitation 0.4mm).
PTH hole Size
0.20mm – 6.35mm
The annular ring size will be enlarged to 0.15mm in production.
Pad Size
Minimum 1.0mm
The pad size will be enlarged by 0.5mm than the hole size. The minimum size of annular ring around plated through hole pads is 0.25mm. If the recommended sizes are not respected then the pad will not be produced properly.
Min. Non-plated holes
The minimum NPTH dimension is 0.50mm, Please add the NPTH in the mechanical layer or keep out layer.
We make NPTH via dry sealing film process, if customer would like a NPTH but around with pad/copper, our engineer will dig out around pad/copper about 0.2mm-0.25mm, otherwise the metal potion will be flowed into the hole and it becomes a PTH. (there will be no copper dig out optimization for single board).
Min. Plated Slots
The minimum plated slot width is 0.5mm, which is drawn with a pad.
Min. Non-Plated Slots
The minimum Non-Plated Slot Width is 1.0mm, please draw the slot outline in the mechanical layer(GML or GKO)
Min. Castellated Holes
The minimum diameter of castellated holes is 0.60mm.
Hole size Tolerance (Plated)
e.g. for the 1.00mm Plated hole, the finished hole size between 0.92mm to 1.13mm is acceptable.
Hole size Tolerance (Non-Plated)
e.g. for the 1.00mm Non-Plated hole, the finished hole size between 0.80mm to 1.20mm is acceptable.
Rectangle Hole/Slot
Don’t support
Rectangle/Square Slots, we don’t make rectangular or square plated holes,only make oval or round plated slots.
For non-plated slots, rounded corner-rectangular or square slots are supported. The recommended minimum size is 3x3mm.