FAQs about Orders and Deliveries during the current Corona Virus Scenario
May, 07, 2020
We have started accepting only pre-paid orders and will be delivering them in Red, Orange and Green zones, except containment areas in accordance with the Central and respective State Government guidelines. Please check the delivery availability in your area by entering your pin-code while placing the order or at Checkout.
- Are you delivering non-essentials from May 4 in all (green, orange and red) zones?
We’re excited to let you know that as per the latest government guidelines, we have started accepting pre-paid orders and will be delivering them All zones (green, orange and red) except the containment areas, in accordance with the Central and respective State Government guidelines. We do not deliver to the containment areas in the zones, hence for the rest of the area we continue to accept and deliver pre-paid orders.
For the safety of our customers and delivery associates and to maintain social distancing, all deliveries by Robu will continue to be no-contact.
- When will Cash on Delivery services resume?
For the safety of our customers and delivery associates and to maintain social distancing, we have temporarily suspended Cash-on-Delivery option to avoid cash exchange during delivery.
- I have already placed order, but it is showing a long delivery date?
We are gearing up our operations to start delivering all products to Green/Orange zones following the Central and respective State Government guidelines. Hence, deliveries may take longer than usual. We appreciate your patience in this regard.
- What about my pending non-essential prepaid order? When will I receive it?
Based on the latest Govt. guidelines effective May 4, we have started processing existing orders containing non-essential items to locations falling under Green/Orange zones. You will be notified once orders are processed.
- Can we still create returns for the orders?
For return and replacement procedure, please contact our support team at info@robu.in or support.robu.in
Your patience and cooperation is highly appreciated in this regard.
- When will you pick-up my return order?
We are prioritizing our fulfillment and operations to deliver products which our customers would need as they continue to stay at home. We will notify you on when we can schedule the return-pick. We appreciate your patience in this regard.
- Is it safe to receive orders?
For guidance on COVID-19, please refer to the World Health Organization website
- What is Robu doing to keep customers and employees safe?
Customer safety is of utmost importance to us and we are closely monitoring the impact of COVID-19. We are ensuring all the necessary measures and precautions to be taken to avoid the spread of the disease. To make delivery contact-less, we only encourage pre paid orders. All our employees have been sanitized and ensured in good health. We constantly sanitize the work place and the warehouse. We follow all the government guidelines very seriously and strictly. Rest assured, Robu.in is taking utmost precaution to ensure safety of you and us as well.