The Obstacle Avoiding Robot is an engaging project designed to introduce you to basic robotics and sensor integration using the Arduino UNO. This robot autonomously navigates its environment by detecting and avoiding obstacles using an ultrasonic sensor and adjusting its movement through a servo motor and an L298N motor driver.
Note: 18650 Rechargeable Battery is not included in a package, you need to buy it separately.
Note: The circuit diagram is available in the user manual
- Obstacle Detection:
- An HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor is used to measure distance to obstacles.
- Obstacle Avoidance:
- Moves forward if no obstacle is detected.
- Stops and reverses if an obstacle is detected within 40 cm.
- Scans the environment to the right and left using a servo motor.
- Decides to turn right or left based on which side has more space.
- Movement Control:
- Moves forward or backward by controlling the L298N motor driver.
- Turns right or left by adjusting motor directions.
- Stops all movement when needed.
- Scanning and Decision Making:
- Servo motor pivots to scan for obstacles on both sides.
- Chooses turning direction based on distance readings from the scan.
Packages include:
1 x Pro-Range Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Arduino UNO Kit
Kit Includes:
1 x Arduino UNO with cable
1 x L298N Motor Driver
1 x HCSR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
1 x Ultrasonic Sensor Mounting Bracket
1 x SG90 Servo Motor
1 x Car Chassis Kit( With 4 wheels and 4 BO Motor)
2 x Male to female Dupont cable 20 pins
1 x Male to Male Dupont cable 10 pins
1 x 9V Non rechargeable Battery
1 x T type 9V Battery Connector
1 x 2-cell 18650 Battery Holder
1 x User manual
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