The RYLR993_Lite 868/915MHz LoRaWAN® Transceiver Module features the LoRa long-range modem that provides ultra-long range spread spectrum communication and high interference immunity whilst minimizing current consumption
- Industrial LoRa® SOC Engine.
- Customized firmware design service is available.
- AT Command over UART interface
- High sensitivity.
- Low power consumption.
- AES128 CCM Data encryption
- AES128 Data encryption
- LoRaWAN® class A, B & C support
- LoRaWAN® and LoRa® Proprietary selection.
- RYLR993 Support band : AS923, EU868, IN865, US915, AU915, EU868, KR920, RU864
Package Includes:
1 x Reyax RYLR993_LITE 868/915MHz LoRaWAN® Transceiver Module Helium Compatible Lite Evaluation BoardDIP Version
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