The Knock Sensor Module

(1 customer review)

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SKU: 223504
  1. Detect shocks with the spring and send a signal to Controller Board
  2. Operating voltage: 3.3V-5V
  3. Digital output
  4. Bolt holes for easy installation.

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Brand: Generic
Category: Vibration/Tilt Sensor and Modules
Tags: Vibration Sensor, knock sensor

As the name suggests the Knock Sensor Module produces the Digital output on the detection of Knock i.e. vibration stroke. Further, the change in voltage level can be manipulated to produce the desired output and can be used in a variety of applications.

Code Example for Arduino Board:
int Led = 13 ;// Declaration of the LED output pin
int Sensor = 10; // Declaration of the sensor input pin
int val; // Temporary variable
void setup ()
  pinMode (Led, OUTPUT) ; // Initialization output pin
  pinMode (Sensor, INPUT) ; // Initialization sensor pin
void loop ()
  val = digitalRead (Sensor) ; // The current signal at the sensor will be read
  if (val == HIGH) // If a signal was detected , the LED will light up
    digitalWrite (Led, LOW);
    digitalWrite (Led, HIGH);

Connections with Arduino:

  1. LED +: [Pin 13]
  2. LED -: [Pin GND]
  3. Sensor signal: [Pin 10]
  4. Sensor +V: [Pin 5V]
  5. Sensor -: [Pin GND]

Code Example for Raspberry Pi:
# Needed modules will be imported and configured
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
# The input pin of the sensor will be declared. Additional to that the pull up resistor will be activated
print "Sensor-Test [press ctrl+c to end]"
# This output function will be started at signal detection
def outFunction(null):
        print("Signal detected")
# At the moment of detection a signal (falling signal edge) the output function will be activated.
GPIO.add_event_detect(GPIO_PIN, GPIO.FALLING, callback=outFunction, bouncetime=100) 
# main program loop
        while True:
# Scavenging work after the end of the program
except KeyboardInterrupt:

Connections with Raspberry Pi:

  1. Signal: GPIO24[Pin 18]
  2. +V: 3,3V[Pin 1]
  3. GND: GND[Pin 6]

Specifications and Features: 

  1. Detect shocks with the spring and send a signal to Controller Board
  2. Operating voltage: 3.3V-5V
  3. Digital output
  4. Bolt holes for easy installation.

Package Includes:

1 x The Knock Sensor Module.

Model Type

Knock Sensor Module

Operating Voltage (VDC)

3.3 to 5

Output Type


Length (mm):


Width (mm):


Height (mm):


Weight (g):


Shipping Weight 0.01 kg
Shipping Dimensions 4 × 2 × 1 cm
15 Days Warranty

This item is covered with a standard warranty of 15 days from the time of delivery against manufacturing defects only. This warranty is given for the benefit of Robu customers from any kind of manufacturing defects. Replacement will be done against manufacturing defects.

What voids warranty:

If the product is subject to misuse, tampering, static discharge, accident, water or fire damage, use of chemicals & soldered or altered in any way.

Based on 1 review

5.0 overall

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  1. saivineeth (verified owner)

    there is no data sheet for this…please provide it


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    its continuously displaying knock value of 900+ an... Read more
  1. 0 votes
    Q its continuously displaying knock value of 900+ and no change in value on any knock vibration...i...... Read more answer now
    Asked by ankitsahaylko on May 17, 2024 1:59 am
    A For your query please contact our customer support... Read more
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